
Have you ever found yourself second-guessing your instincts or downplaying your inner voice? Nicoa, our recent guest on the "Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads" podcast, brought an incredible conversation to the table that delves deep into the wisdom of listening to our bodies and the power of choosing a life designed by us—not for us. In this enlightening episode titled "Embracing Life's Design with Courage," hosted by the inimitable G-Rex and Dirty Skittles, we journey through Nicoa's personal revelations and transformative experiences that hold valuable life lessons for us all. So let's unpack these insights and explore how to apply them to our own lives.

**Courageous Lessons from a Journey of Self-Discovery:**

- **Your Body Knows Best:**

Nicoa shared harrowing experiences that stemmed from ignoring her body's signals. Here's a key takeaway—our bodies are incredibly attuned to our wellbeing. Whether it's a physical symptom or a wave of anxiety, they communicate vital information. Learning to listen can be life-saving.

**Life-Defining Moments:**

Imagine a near-miss heart attack during a Halloween family moment. For Nicoa, this was a wake-up call, but one that initially went unheeded. The lesson is clear: life-defining moments call for reflection and action, not business as usual.

**The Price of Ignoring Intuition:**

Nicoa discovered a malignant melanoma, but she initially dismissed it. Her story is a stark reminder that intuition is not just a gut feeling—it's an informed sense that can guide life-saving decisions.

**The Breakdown Before the Breakthrough:**

Only after a mental breakdown did Nicoa make a drastic change in her life by quitting her job. It was a courageous step toward prioritizing her health and happiness. Sometimes, it takes hitting rock bottom to find the path to the top.

**Journaling as a Tool for Change:**

With the release of her book, "My Life by Design Journal," Nicoa illustrates the transformative power of journaling. It's a simple, yet powerful practice that fosters self-awareness and intentionality.

**Group Dynamics in Healing:**

The upcoming retreat at Bald Head Island is a testament to the healing power of community. Connecting with others in similar journeys can amplify personal growth and healing.

**Key Takeaways for Your Life's Design:**

**Embrace Energy Leadership:**

Nicoa introduced the concept of energy leadership, which is about recognizing our perceptions and attitudes. By understanding these levels, we're better equipped to approach life's challenges from a place of empowerment.

**The Value of Self-Reflection:**

Constant self-criticism and fear of failure can paralyze us. Instead, flipping the script to view every experience as a learning opportunity empowers us to grow, even from setbacks.

**Learning to Forgive Ourselves:**

Nicoa's t-shirt venture didn't go as planned, but instead of dwelling in self-criticism, she chose to learn from the experience and move on. This mindset illustrates the importance of self-forgiveness and adapting to create new successes.

**Apply Mindfulness to Criticism:**

Whether it's podcasting or personal projects, learning to sift constructive feedback from damaging criticism is vital for our mental health and professional growth.

**Defining "Life by Design":**

Making conscious choices aligned with personal values, not external pressures, is the crux of Nicoa's philosophy. It's about asking "why" we do the things we do and ensuring they resonate with our core beliefs.

Your Path to a Courageous Life by Design:

 **Learn to Listen to Yourself:**

- Trust your intuition and pay attention to what your body is telling you.

- Prioritize self-care and recognize it is not selfish—it's necessary.

**Embrace Failure as a Stepping Stone:**

- View setbacks as opportunities to learn and adapt.

- Use journaling to reflect on experiences and guide future actions.

**Cultivate Patience and Forgiveness:**

- Be patient with your progress and forgive your missteps.

- Cherish personal growth and self-love as a lifelong journey.

**Challenge Societal Norms:**

- Assess whether your life choices align with your personal values.

- Have the courage to make changes that enhance your happiness and fulfillment.

**Join Our Community for More Insights:**

This episode with Nicoa was just a glimpse into the wealth of knowledge and inspiration we aim to deliver on the "Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads" podcast. If you're eager to dive deeper and continue learning about the shit that goes on in our heads, and how it both manifests and informs our journey through life, we have so much more for you!

Subscribe to our newsletter for a regular supply of insights about courage, self-improvement, and designing a life truly aligned with who you are. Additionally, follow us on social media to become part of our community, share your stories, connect with guests like Nicoa, and stay updated on new episodes and events.

You are not alone in the things that go through your head, and with each other's support, we can embrace life's design with courage and intention. Let's continue to inspire, learn from each other, and navigate the complex yet beautiful labyrinth that is our internal world together.

Click the subscribe button, follow us, and join a community of courageous souls all exploring the depths of their minds. With "Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads," you’re sure to find a friend, a lesson, and a reason to keep advancing on your personal path.


- Listen to the full episode for even more deep dives and cosmic laughs with G-Rex, Dirty Skittles, and Nicoa.

- Read Nicoa's evolving story on her blog and explore her coaching offerings for direct guidance.

- Don't miss out on untangling more of the mind's mysteries with us. The journey is continuous, and the insights are boundless. See you in the next episode!